Mel's Musings

Mel's Musings


"With anti-Christian sentiment on the rise in North America and abroad, the launch of this new bog [sic] couldn’t have been timelier...If you’re a discouraged Christian worried about the future, a visit to is like an elixir and sends you on your way with newfound hope."
Judi McLeod, Owner, Canada Free Press

"[The site] is filled with anti-Semitic comments and other outrageous statements, much of them in Latin."
Left-wing rag

"[I]t made me snarf my cran juice all over the screen."
Antonia Zerbisias, Media Critic, The Toronto Star

"Catch it while you can..." Newsweek

the mel box: malibu church of the holy family at yahoo dot com


...get it?

Sunday, August 20, 2006


Wow, this rehab is really keeping me busy. Does anyone else have an inner judeo-secularist? I know that Jesus' General has an inner-Frenchman that at times gets the best of him and writes on his blog. I am not so licentious as to allow my inner judeo-secularist to interfere with the wisdom of this blog, but I have not been able to prevent him from starting his own blog, I am embarrassed to say.

Would you guys do me a favor and pay him a visit and warn him of the abject sinfulness of his ways? And please don't tell anyone about my inner judeo-secularist, I am quite ashamed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll go talk to the anti-Christ, Mel.

You can attend services while you blog here:

You should speak with the pastor there. He teaches good christians how to raise their children.

7:58 PM  
Blogger Joe said...

I'm surprised that they allow Internets access in rehab. Get well soon, Mel....everyone at Connecticut For Lieberman HQ is pulling for you!

12:50 AM  
Blogger Bree A. Dail said...

Sink me! What ist this demmnable site about--methinks "farse" may be a bit of an understatement, what?
Zounds, Mel...I read half of this political jargon, and it blows my mind!
Ma...Onestamente spero che tutto sia bene con voi. Prendagli prego la cura e sappia che ci sono molti che li preghino per voi giornalieri… ed ho gli amici reciproci… e desideri reciproci all'arte ed ai mezzi secolari del infultrate--pellicola e teatro--con il contemplation di Verità, di Qualità e di Bellezza che può essere trovato soltanto in coloro che si riposa in la Presenza Allineare

Sempre Pro Ecclesia, contra mundum!

Do stop by, sometime...much to tell!
-Sir Percy

1:34 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Mel, just droppin by to see how you are doing. I saw the interview last week. I think you should hit the sauce again, you sounded crazy.

4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have an idea, for a movie on Stalin, Marx, Engel, the truth about Communism. The TRUTH must shine through. Let there be LIGHT.
Be strong Mel, you are under satanic attack but you must hold onto Christ even more. Put on your armour.

9:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mel, sweet sweet Mel. How ARE you? I hope that the don't drink/be a bigot/ rehab is going well. Must be hard. Nothing like a vodka on the rocks to help the antisemitism go down.

You should follow the excellent example of fellow celebrity bloggers. The Hulk Perhaps.
or Jessica Biel.
Good luck Mel!

9:28 AM  

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